A high school was praised for creating a 'welcoming, supportive and positive place to learn' in its latest Ofsted report.

Queen Elizabeth High School in Hexham was rated good in all areas, by Ofsted inspectors on April 30 and May 1.

"Pupils benefit from a rich and broad curriculum. Most pupils learn this curriculum effectively. They achieve well in national assessments and examinations. This is particularly the case in the large sixth form, from which many students go on to competitive courses at university. High expectations drive this achievement," the report said.

READ MORE: QEHS rowing club hoping to raise £15,000 with mammoth event

"The range of enrichment opportunities available to pupils is extensive. The extracurricular programme encompasses the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, theatre visits and a school musical. In March, 70 pupils from the school rowing club competed in the regional regatta. Students in the sixth form recently organised a political debate involving local parliamentary candidates. These opportunities support pupils to thrive."

It added that the school is 'ambitious' for all pupils, with an 'effective curriculum for personal development and a wide range of enrichment opportunities '.

The report said pupils with SEND are supported and have access to the same extensive curriculum as their peers.