PLANS have been submitted to convert an outbuilding located in the green belt.

A planning application was submitted to Northumberland County Council to extend and convert a building at Eastwood House, Healey, Riding Mill.

An agent from Wakefields Chartered Surveyors submitted the application which proposes to turn a building to the east of the main accommodation into ancillary accommodation.

Eastwood House is described as a semi-detached traditional country dwelling of stone construction with pitched, natural slate-covered roofs. Within the grounds of the property are two stone-built outbuildings, one of which was previously converted in 2014 to ancillary accommodation.

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The design and access statement said: "The occupant has identified a need to form additional accommodation to the property to allow for visiting family and this has led to the proposal to extend and convert the existing outbuilding, which is considered preferable to an extension to the main building for cost and aesthetic reasons, amongst others.

"The property is located within the green belt and hence the proposed development has been designed, considered and compiled with significant consideration thereto."

The building was originally used for agricultural purposes and the change of use will ensure it fulfils the owner's needs. It is not listed or identified as a heritage asset.

The building's conversion 'is significant in terms of providing accommodation to enable family gatherings and additional living space in a manner which utilises an existing building'.

The internal layout will comprise a bedroom, living area and water closet.

However, the report added: "Dutiful care and consideration has been given to the design process to ensure that the effect on the property is as minimal as practicable whilst ensuring the sustainable continued use, viability and enjoyment of the property for future generations."

The alterations are not expected to have a detrimental impact on the property or surrounding area.

The openness of the green belt, access to the site, parking, vehicle turning, cycle storage, refuse storage and collection will not be affected by the development.

For more information, go to the council's planning portal and search reference number 24/02052/FUL.