A national trade body is advising residents in Hexham to be on the lookout for a toxic plant.

The Property Care Association (PCA) warns the public about giant hogweed, an invasive weed that can cause injury in summer.

The sap of this weed is toxic and a threat to public health.

Weather patterns due to two wet springs, this year and in 2023, could allow the plant to thrive and spread across the UK.

Following contact with giant hogweed and exposure to UV light, severe discomfort and blistering can occur.

Daniel Docking of the PCA said: "Too often there are reports of people who have been injured after inadvertently coming into contact with giant hogweed.

“Children are particularly vulnerable, as they can encounter the plant while playing outdoors in the summer."

The PCA provides more information about invasive weeds on its website: www.property-care.org/homeowners/invasive-weed-control