The Queen’s Hall Arts in Hexham is hosting an exhibition entitled 'REACHING OUT', showcasing an array of art produced by young creatives.

The exhibition, open Monday to Saturday, 10am to 5pm, from June 30, through to July 15, will display the talent of more than 30 students from Queen Elizabeth High School (QEHS).

The young artists, including both former and current students of the school, have reached out, creating works which reflect a variety of interests discovered during their A-level studies.

Many of the students have already begun their journey beyond school, embarking on creative courses at colleges and prestigious art schools across the UK, such as Newcastle College.

William Pym, art teacher at QEHS, said: "The school treasures our amazing art students, they achieve so much at school and the annual exhibition at Queen's Hall gives them the opportunity to reach out and share their work with the community.

"We have already had some great feedback from the Queen's Hall visitors who are often astonished by the work that comes from the young creatives of Hexham – it is a tribute to them."

The exhibition not only displays the talent of these young artists but also gives them a platform to share their work with their community.

Many of the students have already completed foundation courses at Newcastle College and gained places on degree courses at universities including UAL in London and the Glasgow School of Art.

Helen Mills, audience and sales manager at Queen’s Hall, said: "We’re delighted to welcome the artists from Queen Elizabeth High School this summer with a new showcase of amazing work.

"The group have been working with some of our technicians and they just knew what would work and what would go well together.

"The exhibition offers something for everybody - from stunning photography to intricate illustration and is definitely worth a visit."