AN education charity which claimed more than 70 jobs in the North East were under threat as it faced being “defunded” has been given a 12-month reprieve.

The Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) had complained that it faced a financial shortfall that threatened its operations in the region, as it was set to lose grant funding it currently receives to provide a wide variety of adult learning courses.

But, after a U-turn by bosses at the North East Combined Authority (NECA), the WEA will continue to be given funding for another year.

People who use WEA courses have been staging protests outside council headquarters around the region and handed a 700-name petition to North East mayor Kim McGuinness in May, calling for her to reverse a decision set in motion before she was elected.

Joanne Hassan, a learner who was among those to have protested against the initial decision, said she had been “going nowhere with little confidence” before taking WEA courses.

She added: “I started back gently with a cooking course, but now I’ve developed skills for employment and I’m ready to work. It wouldn’t have happened without the WEA. 

“I’m really proud that NECA have listened to us learners. It shows that collectively we have a convincing voice.”

The WEA previously received funding from the now defunct North of Tyne Combined Authority (NTCA) and the charity’s leadership was left furious when it emerged that it was not in line to receive an equivalent grant from NECA following the North East’s new devolution deal.

It claimed that a £1.3 million shortfall would put 72 North East jobs under threat and affect more than 1,600 learners who access WEA courses – which include IT, maths, and language lessons.

NECA had initially said it would be focusing its grants on local colleges and councils, rather than national providers, but that the WEA would still be eligible to bid for other contracts.
However, the authority confirmed it has now agreed to an extension of the WEA’s funding for the next year.

A spokesperson said: “Throughout this process we have listened to the views of learners, providers, and stakeholders. We have consistently said we want to ensure all learners are supported to continue their learning journey as we transition to the new North East Combined Authority.  

“Therefore, during the first transitional year of devolved funding, in order to minimise disruption for our residents and communities , it was agreed to award funding to five further providers to support their learners. This includes the Workers Education Association.

“We are working with providers in receipt of this proposed funding during this transitional year to ensure that it focuses on learners, supports their learning outcomes and creates stability for residents.”

Simon Parkinson, CEO and general secretary of the WEA, said he was “delighted” with the U-turn. “We play a critical role in disadvantaged communities, building confidence, community connections and skills. Our provision complements that of colleges, reaching those who would not consider returning to learning in a traditional environment. 

“It was important that NECA recognised how important our style of community learning was to their portfolio. I’m glad that they have now acknowledged our designated education institution status and put us on the same grant-funded footing as colleges.”