AN Otterburn resident is celebrating 20 years of writing her community's Village Notes.

Emma Anderson started writing the Redesdale Village Notes for the Hexham Courant on July 2 2004, when she was 57 years old.

Now 77, Emma continues her contribution to the Village Notes section which she sees as a form of service to her community.

She moved to Otterburn when she retired 20 years ago from her job as a senior manager in the voluntary sector.

Emma said when she started writing the Redesdale Village Notes, approximately 30 communities in the Tynedale area had village correspondents.

"In those days [the Notes section] was headed Upper Redesdale before contributors in Corsenside began asking for their news to be included. It then became Redesdale and later I began including news from Kirkwhelpington and its immediate surrounds," she said.

"It’s been a pleasure to serve my local community via the pages of the Hexham Courant for twenty years.

"As long as I'm able, I'll keep it going. It's no hardship to me, I enjoy doing it and people welcome it every week."

Emma said in 20 years, she has only missed a handful of Notes contributions for the paper.

"Out of 1,040 possible columns in the last 20 years, I've probably put in about 1,030. It is a commitment, I think if you make a commitment you should stick to it. When I go on holiday, my laptop goes with me.

"But people have lives they want to live, they don't always want to be doing this. If someone wanted to take it on as a service to their community or those communities who don't have one wanted a village correspondent, I think it would be a good idea." 

Meanwhile, the Slaley Notes authors, Stella Douglas and Catherine Lincoln, will soon stop their contributions.

Stella, who has written seven years and 185 columns' worth of Notes, will stop writing them on September 8.

If you would like to inquire about taking over the Slaley Notes, email

Joy Yates, Newsquest regional editor, said: “We are extremely grateful to Emma for her fantastic contribution to the Hexham Courant over the last 20 years.

"Emma’s Redesdale Village Notes are always comprehensive, interesting and very useful to her readers. Here’s to many, many more years and a huge thank you from everyone at the Hexham Courant.

“If anyone else would like to contribute information for their areas, please let us know.”