AN inspiring boy hopes to tackle the Three Peaks Challenge to fundraise for two charities.

Jacob Alltree, an 11-year-old from Haltwhistle, will attempt the Lake District Three Peaks Challenge to fundraise for the Newcastle Rugby Foundation and the Lake District Mountain Rescue Search Dogs in July.

Jacob, a student at Hexham Middle School, plays rugby at Tynedale Rugby Club in Corbridge.

His parents, Lorraine and Dale, said Jacob's passion is rugby and he aspires to play for England one day.

Jacob hopes to play for England one dayJacob hopes to play rugby for England one day (Image: Lorraine Alltree)

He walked Hadrian's Wall in just four days in August 2023 when he was 10 years old, raising almost £4,000 for both the Newcastle Rugby Foundation and the Great North Air Ambulance Service.

EAD MORE: 10-year-old boy completes Hadrian's Wall in four days for charity

This year, he hopes to conquer Scafell Pike, Helvellyn and Skiddaw, starting on Friday, July 26 and finishing on Saturday, July 27.

Lorraine said: "He is excited about the challenge and really looking forward to it. He's training by doing some bike rides and runs. He and his dad have had a couple of practice walks in the Lakes too," she added.

He chose to fundraise for the Rugby Foundation as it helps people from all walks of life and the Search Dogs charity for their efforts in training the dogs to rescue people in need.

The collective height of the three peaks is approximately 9,380 feet.

Lorraine added: "Jake and his dad love going to the Lakes for walking and camping. He said he thinks it's cool how they [the Mountain Rescue team] train the dogs to help find and save people and would like to raise money for them as they rely on donations."

Jake and his dad, Dale, will complete the Lake District Three Peaks Challenge and Lorraine said she may join them for part of it. 

"It is something they do as father and son," she said. "We are very proud of him for wanting to continue to think of challenges and raise money for charities. We did try to persuade him to try an easier challenge this year, but he said it wouldn't be a challenge if it was easy."

To donate to Jacob's fundraising page, go to https://newcastlerugbyfoundation or