HERE are some of the best Hexham Courant Camera Club images from members.

These are the top six pictures.

Judith Biggs' shot of raindrops on roses alongside the riverside path at Bellingham.

Judith Biggs' shot of raindrops on roses alongside the riverside path at BellinghamJudith Biggs' shot of raindrops on roses alongside the riverside path at Bellingham (Image: Hexham Courant Camera Club)

Iain Scott's striking shot of a swallow with food for its young.

Iain Scott's striking shot of a swallow with food for its youngIain Scott's striking shot of a swallow with food for its young (Image: Hexham Courant Camera Club)

One of Jon Hutchinson's images which was taken from his travels around Hexham and Acomb.

One of Jon Hutchinson's images taken from his travels around Hexham and AcombOne of Jon Hutchinson's images taken from his travels around Hexham and Acomb (Image: Hexham Courant Camera Club)

A hosta, shared by Linda Irving.

A hosta, shared by Linda Irving A hosta, shared by Linda Irving  (Image: Hexham Courant Camera Club)

An image shared by Nick Thornton of a horse in a field of buttercups.

An image shared by Nick Thornton of a horse in a field of buttercupsAn image shared by Nick Thornton of a horse in a field of buttercups (Image: Hexham Courant Camera Club)

Gary Simpson of GRS Photography shared this picture taken between Lowgate and Catton.

Gary Simpson of GRS Photography shared this picture taken between Lowgate and CattonGary Simpson of GRS Photography shared this picture taken between Lowgate and Catton (Image: Hexham Courant Camera Club)

To join our camera club, search 'Hexham Courant Camera Club' on Facebook.