APPROVAL has been granted for a garage conversion and new porch canopy plans in Corbridge.

A planning application was submitted to Northumberland County Council by an agent from Ascent Design + Architecture, to convert and extend an existing garage and create a new porch canopy at Avalon, 22 Aydon Gardens, Corbridge.

The application was granted planning permission on July 1.

A delegated report published on the application said: "The property subject to this application is a semi-detached dwelling situated in the built-up residential area of Corbridge.

"It is proposed to construct a side extension to the existing garage, convert the garage to additional living space and add a canopy with a hipped roof detailing on the existing flat roof, extending this further to cover the front floor of the property," it added.

Corbridge Parish Council did not respond to the application.

The report added: "The application proposes development that is domestic in nature within the residential curtilage of an existing dwellinghouse. The principle of development is therefore acceptable and in accordance with Policy HOU 9 of the Northumberland Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)."

The development was considered to be of 'appropriate design' which would not significantly impact the surrounding area.

The plans would not excessively infringe on neighbours' homes and there is a low risk of 'overlooking, overshadowing or loss of privacy over which already exists'.

In conclusion, the report said: "The proposed construction of a ground floor front, side and rear extension at Avalon, 22 Aydon Gardens, Corbridge is considered to be acceptable in principle.

"The proposed works would not have an adverse impact on the appearance of the host dwelling or the street scene, and the proposed works would not have an adverse impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties. The proposal is therefore acceptable in accordance with relevant Policies in the Development Plan and the NPPF."

For more information, go to Northumberland County Council's planning portal and search reference number 24/01466/FUL.