WE shared the news with our readers that Morrisons has announced plans to open around 400 convenience stores across the UK as part of plans to take on Aldi and Lidl.

The supermarket is planning to open more of its Morrisons Daily convenience stores, aiming to increase its number of small stores to 2,000 in 2025.

The supermarket has not yet revealed a list of locations it is looking at, the Mirror reports.

Our readers responded to the news.

Pat Stott thought Morrisons should have taken over the former Marks and Spencer in Hexham, and Geoff Robson said: "There are plenty places in Hexham town centre if the parking places were put back like it was in the 1950s and 1960s."

Caroline Jane said: "Hexham has clearly reached saturation point for supermarkets and home/DIY-type shops. As one moves in, another moves out. A small Co-op or similar might be useful somewhere in the East End, like the one in the West End. Ironic as that’s what the M&S building originally was."

Rich Hutt replied: "Only problem with the Co-op is they are so expensive. We live in a small village which has a Co-op and everything is about 50 per cent plus more than you’d pay in any other supermarket."

Andrew David Robson commented: "Farm Foods should have taken the place where the M&S store in Hexham used to be."

Carol Henderson added: "Would have thought we had plenty of supermarkets in Hexham, without another."