A survivor of domestic abuse has shared her harrowing story to raise awareness.

She hopes to inspire others facing similar situations to come forward and seek support.

The abuse victim experienced physical and psychological torment, explaining how her partner would control her every move.

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She said: "He was always really quick to anger, and he’d get irrationally angry about things which didn’t matter.

"I know now this isn’t normal."

Although she had contemplated leaving several times, their shared life, a home, and a circle of friends, kept her unwillingly bound to this individual.

She placed immense value on the support provided by Northumbria Police during her ordeal.

She explained: "I was absolutely hysterical but the officers who attended were so understanding, they could see I was totally traumatised."

She concluded: "All I can say to anyone who feels like they can relate to any of my story - the police are there for you.

"If you’re worried about leaving because you’ve got kids, a house, or share a friendship group, you need to remember that all of that can be worked out and all that matters is your safety."

Victims of abuse are urged to contact the police or the National Domestic Violence Helpline for assistance.