The Queen Elizabeth High School in Hexham has received the School Mental Health Award.

The Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools awarded the school a Silver standard.

The school offers a myriad of activities catering to both pupils' and staff's mental wellbeing.

These include one-to-one support from mentors, group wellbeing sessions, and accessibility to counsellors and external services.

The students also receive education on self-care for their mental wellbeing.

Guidance through lessons, assemblies and promotional materials around the school ensures young people can find the appropriate support when needed.

In addition, the school has offered Youth Mental Health First Aid for parents and staff, leading to parents forming their own support group.

To de-stigmatise mental health and break down barriers, primary mental health workers have been present at parents' evenings.

The school has recently appointed a family liaison officer and has even introduced a therapet, Arlo.

The dog offers comfort to students requiring support.

Head of school, Neil Seaton said: "I am extremely proud of the work that our student support team have done to promote awareness of mental health.

"We have worked hard as a school to destigmatise issues around mental illness as well as promote how to look after your emotional wellbeing."

The school's mental health provision is founded upon a strong partnership ethos, incorporating families and external support services.

It acknowledges the importance of collaboration in raising awareness and access to aid, equipping students with the care and information essential for their needs.

Mr Seaton said: "Our students and staff are open about their mental health, seek the support required and understand that looking after our emotional health is as important as our physical health.

"This helps students attend school, maintain relationships and enjoy the successes they deserve."

The award was launched in 2017 by the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools ā€“ part of Leeds Beckett University ā€“ and social enterprise Minds Ahead.

Founder and CEO of Minds Ahead, Dean Johnstone, said: "It is thrilling and humbling to learn about Queen Elizabeth High School.

"Iā€™d like to offer my congratulations on this deserved recognition."