NORTHUMBERLAND'S new Labour MPs have been reflecting on their first week in parliament after the party’s historic win at last week’s general election.

Two of the county’s four constituencies elected Labour MPs for the first time in their history – Joe Morris in Hexham and David Smith in North Northumberland.

New constituencies Cramlington and Killingworth and Blyth and Ashington also went to Labour, won by Emma Foody and Ian Lavery respectively.

The unprecedented clean sweep was part of a hugely successful night for Labour, that saw the party win 411 seats and a majority of 174.

READ MORE: Labour Party reflects on first week in Government

The new MPs were sworn in at parliament last week as is parliamentary tradition.

North Northumberland’s Mr Smith said: “Our first week in Parliament has been momentous, both personally and for all of us in the Labour Party. I have said many times what an honour it is to be here in Parliament representing North Northumberland, but I genuinely don’t think that it’s possible to overstate just how special it is.

“To be part of this fantastic group of Labour MPs, and a Labour Government with such a clear mandate from the country, fills me with hope. The week itself has been a whirlwind of inductions on parliamentary procedures, meeting my new colleagues, and beginning the process of recruiting staff.

“The highlights for me have been being in the chamber for the first time to elect the speaker, and swearing the oath to formally become the Member of Parliament for North Northumberland. I’m excited for next week, and all of the priorities that the Labour Government will lay out in the King’s Speech.”

Cramlington and Killingworth’s Ms Foody also shared her experiences.

She said: “The first week of the new parliament has been an incredibly busy one. With over half the House being newly elected it really has felt like starting at a new school.

“I travelled down at the start of the week with Joe Morris, our new Labour MP in Hexham. Neither of us were quite sure what to expect, but the staff in Parliament have been fantastic in helping us find our feet.

“From dashing about between inductions, electing a Speaker, ‘swearing in’, dealing with significant volumes of requests for support, meetings and beginning to set up my office, it’s been a whirlwind.

“The estate is a beautiful one but easy to get lost in! While the traditions are numerous and sometimes confusing, I have enjoyed every second and am getting stuck in representing the people of Cramlington and Killingworth.”