THE 174th Allendale Agricultural Show ten years ago had a Continental flavour among some non-traditional attractions.

The village's historic show boasted acrobatic aerialists, a tent bursting at the seams with baked items and crafts, and a rather exotic mix of sheep.

As if to prove this was the year of the non-traditional, the busy sheep pens found an overall champion in the Continental section.

Megan Coburn takes a leap of faith on Flynn in the show jumping ring in 2014Megan Coburn takes a leap of faith on Flynn in the show jumping ring in 2014 (Image: Newsquest)

Langley farmer John Davison, of Lough Green, lifted the Glenhill Cup for the second year running thanks to his Texel.

The gimmer had been homebred from an embryo using a ewe which won a prize position in the previous year's show as a lamb.

Holly Watson, from the Above and Beyond Aerial Trapeze troupe, which swung into action at the Allendale Agricultural Show in 2014Holly Watson, from the Above and Beyond Aerial Trapeze troupe, which swung into action at the Allendale Agricultural Show in 2014 (Image: Newsquest)

Also showing another repeated success were the Ridley family of Shitlington Hall, Wark, who once again won the breed championships in both the Blue-faced Leicester and Mule sections. 

Stuart Ridley of Wark with his prize-winning muleStuart Ridley of Wark with his prize-winning mule (Image: Newsquest)

The Leicester gimmer, which won reserve champion at the Northumberland County Show and the Royal Highland Show, went on to help MW and CM Ridley retain the cup for reserve champion overall. 

Nine-month-old Martha, three-year-old Wilfred and six-year-old Esme scooped prizes in the industrial section Nine-month-old Martha, three-year-old Wilfred and six-year-old Esme scooped prizes in the industrial section (Image: Newsquest)

Robert Raine, of Town Foot Farm, East Woodburn, had also had a tremendous season with a Blackface gimmer which won the championship in its section at the Great Yorkshire Show and then lifted the cup for champion Blackface.

John Davison of Langley won the champion of champions award in the sheep section with his TexelJohn Davison of Langley won the champion of champions award in the sheep section with his Texel (Image: Newsquest)

Andrew Skidmore of Wolf Cleugh Farm, Rookhope, was in a celebratory mood winning for the first time with his own homebred sheep, picking up the Swaledale champion at the ewe's very first show. 

In another first, the show opened up a separate category for a popular Continental breed, Zwartbles, which hails from Holland.

Rachel Raine of East Woodburn with the champion Blackface Rachel Raine of East Woodburn with the champion Blackface (Image: Newsquest)

The exotic flavour spread further than the pens with the art of acrobatics delighting show-goers.

Andrew Skidmore picked up the champion Swaledale title at Allendale Show in 2014Andrew Skidmore picked up the champion Swaledale title at Allendale Show in 2014 (Image: Newsquest)

Hoisted off the ground on ropes, hoops and swings, the girls of Above and Beyond Aerial Trapeze twisted, hung and swung to the delight of onlookers.

Faith Rourke rides high on Callmoor Little Acorn with mum Sarah alongside her in 2014Faith Rourke rides high on Callmoor Little Acorn with mum Sarah alongside her in 2014 (Image: Newsquest)

Dogs had their day too with a packed dog judging show and rather manic terrier race.

Competitors from Tynedale and Rothbury took part in the Cumberland and Westmorland Wrestling while audiences enjoyed an icecream and the sounds of the Backworth Colliery Band. 

Stall holders Natural Ability received a welcome surprise from the Allendale Farmers' Ball committee which presented them with a £250 cheque made up from the proceeds of the previous year's ball.