THE Town Council praised 'dedicated' staff at Hexham's cemetery for winning a Green Flag Award.

St Andrew’s Cemetery has won the coveted Green Flag Award for 2024/25. The Cemetery won its highest-ever marking.

The Green Flag Award is a prestigious quality benchmark for a park or green space. This international award, now celebrating its 28th year, is a sign to the public that the space boasts the highest possible environmental standards, is beautifully maintained and has excellent visitor facilities. 

Mayor Derek Kennedy said: “Once again Hexham’s Cemetery is outstanding and we thank our dedicated team of staff for their great efforts. We receive numerous positive comments from those who visit the gravesides as they reflect.

"We have also introduced meadows and bee hives into the cemetery to enhance sustainability. We are all thrilled at the successes.”

Eastwoods Park in Prudhoe and Sele Park and Tyne Green in Hexham also received a Green Flag Award.