Prudhoe Town Council announced the strategic installation of bleed kits around town to enhance community safety.

The kits' purpose is to provide immediate access to life-saving equipment in case of severe bleeding incidents.

Each kit contains crucial medical supplies like tourniquets and haemostatic dressings, and can be used by both professionals and the public.

The kits will be placed in easily accessible public areas.

Mayor Angie Scott, speaking on behalf of Prudhoe town council, said: "The installation of bleed kits is a vital step towards improving the safety and resilience of our community.

"In emergencies, time is of the essence, and having these kits readily available can make a critical difference.

"As mayor of Prudhoe, I welcome the opportunity to provide bleed kits in the Prudhoe area and I would like to encourage that bleed kits are situated and available across the county."

The bleed kits will be situated alongside existing defibrillators, with the two initial locations being Spetchells Centre and Mickley and District Social Club.

The installation of the kits is part of an ongoing effort by Prudhoe town council to enhance public safety and health.

The initiative is inspired by Holly's Hope, an awareness campaign established by the parents of Holly, who passed away in Hexham in January 2023 at the age of fifteen.

Holly's Hope is dedicated to raising awareness and providing resources for emergency medical response.