Ad Gefrin Anglo-Saxon & Whisky Distillery is introducing three new cask purchases.

On the heels of 2023's successful cask release, the distillery now offers Ex-Sauternes, Ex-Amarone, and Ex-Cognac finishes, filled with Ad Gefrin single malt, which has been ageing since 2022.

The casks, priced between £5,500 and £6,000, remain on-site, maturing over ten years.

Also available are ex-Oloroso and ex-Bourbon casks.

Each cask includes between 200-250 litres of Ad Gefrin new make spirit, ten years of storage and annual visits to the distillery.

Ben Murphy, director of distillery at Ad Gefrin, said: "With our continued offer of small amounts of Bourbon and Sherry casks, we have sourced several interesting casks that we are able to present in even more limited quantities. Casks that, I feel, complement our New Make Spirit but also bring something a bit different."

The new cask release is available from August 2.