EXTENSION works have been approved at a farm near Hexham.

A planning application was submitted to Northumberland County Council by an agent from Alnwick-based Architectural & Surveying to create a single-storey roof extension to the front of New Dotland Farm, Hexham, and an additional single-storey extension to the rear of the property.

The proposal was approved on July 29.

The delegated report stated the site is within the open countryside and lies within the North Pennines National Landscape, which was previously the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

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Consultees Hexhamshire and District Parish Council and the North Pennines National Landscape did not respond to the application.

Northumberland County Council determined the main issues involved in the proposals were the principle of the development, design and visual impact on the National Landscape and impact on amenity.

As the application is located within the boundaries of an existing home, the principle of development was considered acceptable.

The front and rear extensions will not have a detrimental impact on the visual appearance of the home, the area, or the North Pennines National Landscape due to its scale and design.

Matching materials will be used in the front extension to ensure it is in keeping with the property's visual appearance.

The rear extension will be 'built in natural stone with a dark grey fibreglass flat roof incorporating a roof lantern' and will be a large addition that is not entirely cohesive with the property's style, according to the planning documents.

However, this 'could be accommodated within the site without having significant or adverse impacts on the character of the site and wider area', the delegated report said.

"The extension would be towards the rear and so would have a more limited visual impact from outside of the site. It is also noted that there is planting to the eastern boundary that would help to mitigate its impact from outside of the site and it would be seen in the context of other larger buildings to the west of the site."

The proposed works will use sympathetic materials and 'on balance, would be acceptable in terms of scale and design and would not have a significant adverse impact on the overall character of the wider area'.

The proposal will not impact residential amenities, according to the planning authority.

For more information, go to the council's planning portal and search reference number 24/01519/FUL.