Residents of Ovingham gathered in the spirit of the Olympics on Saturday, August 27, at a field day organised by the Ovi-Fun group of village volunteers and dubbed the Ovilympics.

The event drew children from across Tynedale, who competed in various activities for the chance to win decathlon gold medals.

Winners were also rewarded with turns on a bouncy castle and inflatable assault course.

In a grand opening ceremony, participants paraded around Ovingham Playing Field to the tune of La Marseillaise, led by volunteer Jayne Keady wielding a baguette and followed by Olympic flag holder Lesley Holden, who was wheeled around by Tony Ford of Cycling Without Age Prudhoe.

Mr Ford went on to provide tricycle rides throughout the event.

Alongside traditional Ovilympics events like the egg and spoon race, basketball, gymnastics, and space hopper relay, the organisers introduced new formats like hula hooping, karaoke, coconut shying, and hobby horse hurdling.

An egg and spoon raceAn egg and spoon race (Image: Supplied)

In the tug of war, the Goodies pulled to victory under the leadership of David Thompson.

Phil Holden, one of the organisers, said: "Ovi-Fun has been going since 2011 and this is our tenth big field day.

Tug of warTug of war (Image: Supplied)

"Our aim is to stage an event which is free, inclusive, celebrates local talent, encourages a healthy lifestyle and is fun!

"It has been great to see the Ovi-Fun baton being passed to a new generation this year too as we welcomed new younger volunteers into the group.

"Long may Ovi-Fun continue to bring joy and fun to Ovingham and the neighbouring villages!"

The Ovilympics is scheduled to take place every four years, to coincide with the real Olympics.