Communities across the Borderlands are setting the growth priorities for their towns and villages through the development of Place Plans.

This initiative comes as part of the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal which aims to deliver economic benefits and resilience through locally led investment.

The Place Programme which forms a vital part of the Growth Deal, is set to provide up to £50m of funding, with £20m from the Scottish Government and £30m from the UK Government.

This funding pot forms a cornerstone of the Deals' "Improving Places" theme.

22 towns across the Borderlands will benefit from this funding, ranging from Alnwick and Bedlington to Penrith and Wigtown.

These towns were selected by local authorities as they are in places that have opportunities and challenges, but have not previously received significant public investment.

The Place Programme conference was held on July 30 in Gretna, and it focused on using inclusive growth strategies to promote regeneration and resilience.

Teams from Stranraer and Penrith who have had their respective Place Plans and Town Investment Plan endorsed by the Borderlands Partnership Board were also at the event.

They showcased their planned projects; Penrith's focuses on arts and culture, transport connections, and business and industry; while Stranraer's centres on distinct town quarters under the "Creating Stranraer" endeavour.

The Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal is a ten year programme of investment, launched in 2021 with the support of UK and Scottish Governments.

It intends to deliver sustainable economic benefits across the South of Scotland and the North of England.

In addition to the Place Programme, the deal supports digital infrastructure, green growth, business infrastructure, increased tourism and natural capital.

Chair of the Place Programme Board, Professor Mark Shucksmith, discussed the importance of fostering local growth.

He said: "Many of our towns serve substantial catchment areas of dispersed and sparsely populated rural communities and are vital to the economic success, resilience and social sustainability of the Borderlands.

"A host of pressures mean town centres face significant challenges that require a sustained and coordinated response to secure their future viability.

"By targeting investment at projects that will make long term impacts, alongside a ‘whole town’, community-led approach, we believe this programme will bring a lasting change to places right across the region."