APPROVAL has been sought to construct a new garage in Whittonstall.

A planning application was submitted to Northumberland County Council by Steena Steward Architect RIBA to construct a new garage at Meadowbank, Whittonstall.

The detached bungalow lies outside of the green belt.

The design and access statement said the 'timber clad garage' would be built next to an existing stone-built stable block.

It replaces a former lapsed application, reference number 13/01519/FUL, which had been permitted.

The position of the proposed garage is the same, however, the size is slightly smaller at 6m by 6.4m.

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"The timber will provide a softer look and with the lower height compared to the stable block will create an extension subservient in appearance. The building has a flat roof sloping slightly to the rear. The existing stone boundary wall will remain," the statement said.

It concluded: "The application is of a design similar to a previous consent and is designed to blend in with the vernacular context. It has no detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the main dwelling or of the neighbouring properties, and the integrity of the site and the original building will be maintained."

For more information, go to the council's planning portal and search reference number 24/02613/FUL.