Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is leading the way in tackling health inequalities.

The trust formed a health inequalities programme board in 2021, focusing on identifying and addressing disparities in its services to enhance patient care.

Dr Jonathan Pearson-Stuttard, chairman of the board, said: "Timely tracking of inequalities is crucial to understand fully the complex and varying health needs of our communities.

"We have a very ambitious programme of work and have made a strong start in this mission."

The trust recently produced a report for 2023-4, which reveals 'not a huge amount' of variation in access to key services across different groups but it underlines the importance of the board's in-depth examination to locate disparities.

Jill Harland, consultant in public health for the trust, said: “We have made good progress, but we know that there is so much more we can do to ensure everyone in our communities can get access to the care they need."