EFFORTS will begin this weekend to tidy up a beloved community pub.

The Samson Inn, in Gilsland, closed in October 2022 and is one of only two pubs in the village. In the last two years, the community has worked hard to raise the funds needed to purchase the pub and ensure its survival.

The inn sits on the Cumbria-Northumberland border and Hadrian's Wall trail, meaning it was used by residents and Hadrian's Wall tourists alike.

Members of the SOSamson campaign in the House of Meg, GilslandMembers of the SOSamson campaign in the House of Meg, Gilsland (Image: SOSamson)

The Gilsland Community Benefit Society Limited launched a bid to take ownership of the Samson Inn. Since its closure, the 'Save Our Samson' campaign has united 465 shareholders, raising more than £150,000 through shares, donations and event sponsorship.

READ MORE: Villagers buy back community pub

The organisation was also awarded a boost from the Community Ownership Fund from the former Department of Levelling Up to push the funds over the finishing line, with a grant surpassing £215,000.

The Gilsland community now plans for the pub's future, beginning with external refurbishments scheduled in the coming weeks while they search for a tenant to manage the pub.

The first 'Big Clean and Tidy' initiative will begin this weekend on Saturday, August 10 and Sunday, August 11 starting from 10am and aims to get the pub back into working order ready for a new tenant to take over.

With hopes of preserving a significant moment in Gilsland's history, the Gilsland Community Benefit Society Limited has called on locals to assist by sharing photographs of the pub's transformation. 

Volunteers helping with the Big Clean and Tidy will be given full training and health and safety guidance. 

Our readers were pleased to know the pub is in safe hands.

Stewart Simpson said: "Great to see," while Louise Mac added: "Excellent. We stayed there before it closed. Lovely comfortable room and excellent food."

David James also said it was 'excellent' the pub will reopen soon following the tidy-up and congratulated everyone involved.

Dixon Les also commented it was 'fantastic news'.

To get involved with volunteering in the first 'Big Clean and Tidy' this weekend, email kwsamson2024@gmail.com.