LABOUR 'remains committed to pensioners', said Hexham's MP in the wake of backlash following the Chancellor's announcement to means-test winter fuel payments this year.

The Hexham MP Joe Morris said 'Labour remains committed to pensioners', as councillors shared their concerns following the announcement that winter fuel payments would be scrapped for approximately 10 million pensioners.

The annual tax-free payment was to help all pensioners born on or before September 22 1958 afford their heating costs during the colder months.

Labour's Chancellor Rachel Reeves announced on July 29 that only pensioners who receive pension credit and certain other benefits would be eligible for the payments from winter this year.

READ MORE: North East councils hit out against scrapping winter fuel payments

Last year, 11.4 million pensioners received winter fuel payments. The plans will reduce the number of eligible recipients to two million, in a move described by the Chancellor as necessary to fix a 'black hole' in the public finances. 

Reacting to the Chancellor's statement in the House of Commons, former MP for Hexham, Guy Opperman said: "Labour are making a big mistake and they are betraying local pensioners by taking away vital winter fuel payments. 

"Over the last few years, the Conservative Government added an extra £300 extra cost of living winter fuel payment support to all pensioners. This has provided a lifeline to many vulnerable households. 

"The Labour Government have made a political choice not to support vulnerable pensioners during cold winters. I am in agreement with Martin Lewis, who knows what he is talking about on this issue, and Age UK, who say that pensioners badly need this support to stay warm in winter. 

"I know hundreds of my former constituents in Northumberland will struggle this winter. This policy will not last. I am afraid Labour Ministers should listen to their civil servants on this one and rethink this cruel policy urgently." 

Hexham Joe Morris MP responded: "The Conservative Party lied and lied again about the state of our public finances, leaving a £22bn black hole and forcing these decisions onto the new Government. The Office for Budget Responsibility has begun an inquiry into how this very serious overspend came about – an impartial office removed from party politics.

"Labour remains committed to pensioners – retaining the triple lock, improving public transport services and providing the stable economy that those on fixed incomes need.

"If senior Conservatives had any sense of shame, they would apologise for leaving the country in a far worse state than even the most pessimistic forecasts before the election predicted – with a £22bn black hole in our public spending, declining living standards and the worst set of economic circumstances since the Second World War."

Age UK released a statement which said: "We strongly oppose the means-testing of the winter fuel payment because it means as many as two million pensioners who badly need the money to stay warm this winter will not receive it and will be in serious trouble as a result. 

"Means-testing the winter fuel payment, with no notice and no compensatory measures to protect poor and vulnerable pensioners, is the wrong policy choice, and one that will potentially jeopardise the health as well as the finances of millions of older people this winter – the last thing either they or the NHS needs."

Prudhoe mayor Angie Scott said: "Like the rest of the public, I was shocked and appalled that the previous government deliberately covered up their reckless overspending from the public, nearly tripling national debt.

"Clearly, they did this purposely to hand Labour a poison pill in an election the Tories expected to lose.

"Over the last 14 years, the Conservative government wrecked the economy, contributing to massive inflation which hit all of us hard. For the first time in modern history, British families were worse off at the end of the last parliament. I know the Labour government will work hard to ensure we are able to recover from this and have a stable economy going forward. Stability and growth will benefit us all.

"I know how important the winter fuel allowance is to many pensioners and I will campaign for its full restoration when the country’s finances allow."

Prudhoe South ward and Northumberland County councillor Gordon Stewart, cabinet member for looking after our communities, said: "I have written to the recently elected Labour MP for Hexham Joe Morris regarding the proposed changes to the allowance asking him to vote against his party.

"The new Labour Government is clearly looking to the rich leafy suburbs around London and does not realise that many pensioners are proud people who have scrimped and saved and will fall just outside the ridiculous parameters set by this Government.

"We all look to build up savings over the year to cover gas and electricity costs during the winter.

"It is not much to ask for our pensioners to have extra support, that they have been expecting and budgeting with, frankly entitled to until dragged from under them without good notice.

"The North East traditionally suffers from harsher winters than the south, we have older and less well-insulated homes than other areas.

"I ask that our recently elected Labour MPs rebel against this and at least call a three-year delay to implementation allowing people to prepare.

"Residents are really worried about the winter bills, and this change will have a significant negative impact on a large number of residents."