A business that creates miniature gaming figurines in Hexham released a new collection that proved popular worldwide.

Ontos Games presented new resin castings in their 'Space Dwarfs' range, known as the 'Röknauts'.

These miniature warriors ride into mock battles on motorcycles, mixing Norse influences with a sci-fi spin.

The company has already smashed through their initial sales targets by a whopping 2,000 per cent.

Demand surged across the local and national miniatures communities, and fans even purchased from Europe, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan.

The figurines have been created with Norse and sci-fi influencesThe miniatures have been created with Norse and sci-fi influences (Image: Ontos Games)

Chris Webb, the business owner and chief sculptor from Ontos Games, said: "Centuries ago, these lands saw border reivers throw on their saddles and ride out from their strongholds.

"Now it’s the turn of these Space Dwarf bikers."

Tabletop gaming enthusiast James Armstead said: "These minis are a combo of the two coolest things – squat little bikers and Vikings.

"I want them even more than my actual Harley Davidsons."

The miniatures were initially available on Kickstarter for a limited time, and will officially launch late this year on ontosgames.co.uk.