WE shared the news with readers that Thanet District Council in Kent has imposed a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) which means you can be fined £100 for swearing in the street.

We asked our readers whether they would like to see a similar rule in Hexham.

Here's what they said.

Jonny Harrison said: "Restricting speech is tyranny," and Jacqueline Lambert said: "Well it would get the police on the streets."

Shane Crawford responded: "And how much taxpayers money would be wasted on this? And also some words have different meanings so would be hard to hand out the fines without knowing exactly."

Nick Pepper said: "Obviously Hexham won't adopt this idea. It is an insult to everyone's intelligence."

Andrew David Robson commented: "Yes please. Send a fine and a caution to those who are showing unacceptable behaviour including swearing," he said. "If these irresponsible actions continue, get the police involved to arrest them on the spot, send them to jail and throw away the key."