HERE are some of our favourite camera club images from members.

These are the top six images.

Views in Kirkharle by Alison Henry.

Views in Kirkharle by Alison HenryViews in Kirkharle by Alison Henry (Image: Hexham Courant Camera Club)

Claire Dobson shared this image which was taken several weeks ago of no water running under the Tyne at Alston Arches, Haltwhistle.

Claire Dobson shared this image of there being no water running under the Tyne at Alston Arches, HaltwhistleClaire Dobson shared this image of there being no water running under the Tyne at Alston Arches, Haltwhistle (Image: Hexham Courant Camera Club)

Sunrise in Pandy, South Wales by Adrian Leadbitter.

Sunrise in Pandy, South Wales by Adrian LeadbitterSunrise in Pandy, South Wales by Adrian Leadbitter (Image: Hexham Courant Camera Club)

Sunrise over Ovingham by Christine Irving.

Sunrise over Ovingham by Christine IrvingSunrise over Ovingham by Christine Irving (Image: Hexham Courant Camera Club)

Jon Hutchinson's shot taken in Acomb.

Jon Hutchinson's shot taken in AcombJon Hutchinson's shot taken in Acomb (Image: Hexham Courant Camera Club)

Raindrops on roses shared by Linda Irving.

Raindrops on roses shared by Linda IrvingRaindrops on roses shared by Linda Irving (Image: Hexham Courant Camera Club)

To join our camera club, search 'Hexham Courant Camera Club' on Facebook.