A stables building and outdoor arena have been proposed on the grounds of a Grade II listed building.

A planning application was submitted to Northumberland County Council for the change of use of an existing paddock and grazing land for equestrian use, including the construction of a stables building and an outdoor riding arena.

The proposal is to create a new stable building comprising six horse stables with associated utility spaces and an outdoor equestrian arena at Oakwood Hall, Wylam, a Grade II listed building.

The development includes a stable building measuring approximately 4m x 30m, containing a tack room, kitchen and WC facilities. 

Materials proposed include coursed sandstone walls, natural slate roof tiles and black metal rainwater goods.

The design and access statement said 'care has been taken to ensure that the stable building has no adverse visual impact on the setting of the listed building, Oakwood Hall'.

The outdoor equestrian arena will measure 40 x 20m, bounded by a 900mm post and rail timber fence with gates.

The arena is to be surfaced in a silica sand mix which blends well with the existing natural environment.

"Due to the site slope, this area will have to be levelled, with an embankment created to the north side of the arena as indicated on the proposed site layout," the statement said. "The arena will be bounded by a standard post-and-rail fence, similar to the existing site boundaries, which will blend visually with the open, rural character of the site."

The stables and arena are for the private residential use of the occupier of Oakwood Hall and are retained within the private ownership of the Oakwood Hall site.

The statement concluded: "From an overall planning perspective, the proposed development is suitable for the site in terms of use, amount, layout, appearance and scale.

"The above visual assessments show that the proposals will have a negligible impact on the openness of the green belt which was the primary concern raised at pre-application stage.

"The proposed building has been designed to coordinate with the character of Oakwood Hall and nearby agricultural buildings, and therefore provide a positive visual addition to the Oakwood Hall grounds from the perspective of the hall and from external viewpoints."

For more information, search reference number 24/02721/FUL on the council's planning portal.