NEW 'life-saving' equipment has been installed outside a fish and chip shop on a residential estate.

Hexham Rotary Club, with the help of the Danny Jones Defibrillator Fund, has installed a new defibrillator outside the Sea Chef takeaway shop in Priestlands, Hexham.

The club said they 'identified a need' for a defibrillator in this part of Hexham and hope to organise a meeting to demonstrate how to use the equipment.

Norman Wicks, from Hexham Rotary, said: “We are proud Rotary can help in any way to provide this potentially life-saving machine to the people of Hexham. We identified a need for a machine in this area of the town and will continue to provide more support when possible. Hexham Rotary is also grateful for the cooperation from Karbon Homes for granting permission for the machine to be installed on their premises.

"As important as the installation is its maintenance, and I have agreed to be the guardian of the unit and both myself and Gary, the Sea Chef proprietor, will ensure the machine is kept in functioning order.”

READ MORE: Questions over defibrillator maintenance after man dies

Norman is trying to arrange a local meeting to share information and demonstrate how to use defibrillators.

"It would be wonderful if we could get as many people as possible to come to the one meeting or have a series of meetings, where people can be shown how it works and what you do," he said.

He has spoken to Hexham's Masonic Hall which will allow its venue to be used for the meeting.

The Northumberland ambulance coordinator will attend to demonstrate how a defibrillator works.

"It's to show people there's nothing to be afraid of by using these things, but also shows you exactly how they work.

"If there's enough interest, it would be good to do more than one talk. Even interested members of the public could come along," he said.

Norman is speaking with the ambulance coordinator about organising the meeting details.

Dates and times of the meeting will be published once they have been arranged.