A Women's Institute (WI) group has raised more than £700 for a hospice charity.

Wylam WI held a coffee morning on Saturday, September 7, to raise money for Tynedale Hospice at Home.

The event, at Wylam Institute, saw cakes, biscuits, and other sweet treats baked, iced, and 'beautifully presented'.

The institute was open from 10am to 12pm, with guests able to drop in, enjoy a coffee, and catch up with friends and members of the WI.

The group received a lot of support for this event, with a raffle and Christmas card sale helping to raise a total of £715.

Matthew Crowe, fundraising and events officer for the hospice, said: "This truly is an amazing result for the Wylam WI.

"They all worked so hard to provide such a fantastic selection of treats and a lovely atmosphere for everyone to enjoy.

"We are so grateful for their continued support.

"Events such as this go to support the care services that the hospice provide to people of west Northumberland, Tynedale, and Ponteland."

This event starts a year of support for Tynedale Hospice at Home as the Wylam WI has chosen to support the charity in various ways over the next 12 months.