A well-loved postmistress has retired after 30 years of service.

Julie Nixon, who has run Wark Post Office since May 1994, has decided to take early retirement.

She has decided to step down at the same time as her husband, Ian, who is now only working part-time in their haulage business.

Mrs Nixon, who was born just outside Wark, took on the role of postmistress after she and her husband were looking for a place to live and she was looking for a fulfilling job.

The couple found the perfect fit with Wark Post Office, which had accommodation above, as the previous owners wanted to retire.

Mrs Nixon said that she loved being a postmistress and quickly got to grips with the role.

She said: "I already knew many people in the area from growing up here.

"I have got to really know people – they are like extended family and friends.

"I also enjoyed the variety of work, and the cashing up."

Mrs Nixon has served on the parish council, been treasurer for the preschool for many years, and done voluntary work at the school.

She now does some unpaid work at Wark Sports Club, helping her mum, Daphne Dickeson, who runs it.

The sports club provides many great sports facilities and is a popular entertainment venue for the village.

Mrs Nixon said: "People were sad to hear we were selling up, but they understood why, but they were extremely pleased when they found out that the post office was going to remain open.

"The post office is vital to the village."

Post Office area manager, Louise Barron, said: "Julie really cares about her community and she has done a first-class job serving her customers for the past three decades.

"She really has gone above and beyond for the people of Wark.

"I wish her and Ian a well-earned retirement and I am delighted that there is a new postmistress for the village."

The new postmistress, Cathy, is well-known within the village, having lived there for many years.

She opened the Premier shop in 2021 alongside her business partners and is excited for the next chapter.