A LOFT extension and conversion have been approved.

A planning application was submitted to extend and convert a loft at a house on Limestone Lane, Ponteland.

An agent from Richard Ruddick Architecture submitted the application to Northumberland County Council.

Ponteland Town Council did not comment on the application.

Nadine Rolls, an ecologist from Northumberland County Council, concluded in an ecology report: "A daytime survey identified potential roost features and accordingly two evening activity surveys were undertaken in June and July 2024.

"Although bats were recorded foraging in the vicinity of the site no bats were observed emerging from the building and it is concluded that it does not currently support a bat roost, and no further surveys are required.

"There was also no evidence of nesting birds using the building. As the occasional/opportunist bat can turn up at any time, works should be undertaken following the precautionary working method statement provided within Appendix VIII of the EcIA report.

"To provide an enhancement for biodiversity within the design of the development a bat box should be built into the apex of the new eastern gable wall, and this should be secured by planning condition."

For more information, go to the council's planning portal and search reference number 24/02620/FUL.