Northumberland County Council's animal welfare team has been awarded the prestigious platinum PawPrints award by the RSPCA.

The award recognises their outstanding work with stray dogs.

The team achieved the platinum status after maintaining gold status for over 10 years.

The award celebrates public service organisations that go above and beyond to ensure high animal welfare standards.

The team was acknowledged for their dedication to animal welfare, effective care of stray dogs, and promotion of responsible ownership.

In 2023/4, they handled 315 stray dog cases, either reuniting the dogs with their owners or finding them a safe place.

They also prosecute cases of animal neglect or cruelty.

Northumberland County Councillor Gordon Stewart, cabinet member with responsibility for looking after our communities, said: "The dedicated team are deeply committed to animal welfare and works tirelessly to ensure the safety and well-being of pets and stray animals in the county.

"I am delighted that the RSPCA has recognised their commitment to animal welfare at a national level."

He urged all dog owners to ensure their pets have ID tags, are microchipped, and that their details are up to date on the microchip database.

Residents can report animal welfare issues directly to the team via the council's website.