LISTED building consent has been sought to alter a building on Fore Street.

A planning application was submitted to Northumberland County Council by Milburn Planning Limited for several amendments to 28 Fore Street, Hexham.

These include a new fascia sign to advertise the business Fonehouse, a hanging sign, minor changes to the shop front including repainting and repairs to damaged timber, installation of internal and external roller shutters, levelling of the ground floor and installation of external CCTV cameras.

The Grade II listed building is vacant, according to the application form.

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A heritage and planning statement was prepared on behalf of the applicant, Fonehouse (Hexham) Ltd, to assist the county council in considering the accompanying Listed Building, Planning and Advertisement Consent Applications for various signs and external amendments at the property.

Proposed signage at No 28Proposed signage at No 28 (Image: Northumberland County Council Planning Portal)

The statement said: "Fonehouse (Hexham) Limited has been established in Hexham for over 20 years located at 43 Fore Street. The signage design and shop front colour which are already established as recognisable within Fore Street will be replicated at No 28 Fore Street.

"The property 28 Fore Street was previously occupied by Thompsons Travel Agency TUI and has been vacant for a number of years. The property including the ground floor retail unit and upper floors are now in new ownership and therefore changes to the shopfront, new signage and the security of the new occupier are required.

"The ground floor unit has been in commercial use within the centre of Hexham Conservation Area and High Street for several decades and forms an important feature within the main shopping area of Hexham."

The proposed works have been 'carefully considered to repair and adapt this important Grade II listed building', the statement said, and 'ensure the longevity' of the property.

"The repainting, repairs and sensitive changes will provide an enhancement to Hexham’s vibrant marketplace, enhancing the currently dilapidated and jaded appearance of the shop front and bring it back into use."

In conclusion, the statement said: "Due to the scale of the works and minimal impact upon the fabric of the building, the proposed development would not be harmful to the character or setting of the listed building, or surrounding listed buildings or the wider Hexham Conservation Area."

For more information, go to the county council's planning portal and search reference number 24/03377/LBC.