KNITTED poppies will appear in a Tynedale village this week.

Jane Morton, a Bellingham resident, is organising the event which will be held at the town's Reed Hall, with hot refreshments provided.

Poppies knitted by Bellingham residentsPoppies knitted by Bellingham residents (Image: Supplied) Everyone is welcome to help tie poppies knitted by the community at Bellingham Cemetery.

Jane said whether you've knitted poppies or not, everyone is welcome to join in to make something beautiful for Bellingham.

"I am part of the North Tyne and Redesdale Community Partnership and I am organising this event. It started with me wanting to commemorate the soldiers in the war graves in the village with just a few poppies - but I put it out on Facebook and it has gathered momentum, with more than 40 people I know about knitting poppies for the event - there may well be more.

"It’s fantastic - so many people keen to help working towards a community project. This coincidentally ties in so well with a pilot study Bellingham has just been identified for called Creative Health. This project employs an artist who is jointly employed by the NHS and social care to proactively promote individual and collective improvements in physical and mental health through the creative arts.

"Community knitting towards a common goal brings about a feeling of pride and ownership which can positively improve mental well-being. This event is the start of other projects we are hoping to bring to the village. On November 23, a local florist, Diane from Purple Haze is coming to share her skills - as we invite the community to come and help decorate the village trying to make the longest swag seen in Bellingham."

The poppy event will take place from 10am until 2pm on Thursday, October 24.