In the event of a zombie apocalypse, Northumberland’s vast wilderness, historical sites, and isolated landscapes would provide ideal locations to seek refuge. With its ancient castles, deep forests, and coastal hideaways, survivors could find a variety of spots to avoid the undead while planning their next move.

1. Hadrian’s Wall

Stretching across Northumberland, Hadrian’s Wall is one of the most iconic landmarks in the area. Its historic forts, like Housesteads Roman Fort, offer strong, defensible structures on elevated ground. The wall’s rugged surroundings would deter large zombie hordes, and its strategic high points could be used to monitor for incoming threats. The isolation of these forts makes them perfect long-term hideouts.

2. Kielder Forest

Northumberland’s Kielder Forest is one of the largest man-made forests in Europe, with over 250 square miles of dense woodland. Its thick trees and labyrinthine paths would confuse zombies, making it an ideal place to hide and move undetected. Kielder Water, the reservoir in the heart of the forest, could serve as a food and water source, while the remote cabins and lodges scattered throughout the area could be fortified as safe houses.

3. Bamburgh Castle

Perched dramatically on the Northumberland coast, Bamburgh Castle has stood for over 1,400 years. Its formidable stone walls, surrounded by steep cliffs and the sea, would create a natural fortress against zombies. The castle’s strategic location allows for constant monitoring of the coastline, while its isolation from larger towns reduces the chance of large undead gatherings. The nearby coastline could provide a reliable source of food from fishing.

4. Farne Islands

For ultimate isolation, the Farne Islands off the Northumberland coast are a perfect choice. These remote islands are difficult to access and completely separated from the mainland, making it impossible for zombies to reach. Setting up camp here would allow survivors to create a self-sustaining environment with the help of fishing and wildlife. The islands' natural isolation provides both physical and psychological security.

5. Simonside Hills

The Simonside Hills, with their remote and rugged landscape, would make an excellent place to hide from zombies. The rocky terrain and high elevation provide excellent vantage points, while the hills’ challenging paths would hinder zombie movements. Survivors could find caves and sheltered spots among the hills to establish a hidden base, making it a great spot for evading detection.

With its castles, islands, forests, and ancient ruins, Northumberland offers a range of excellent hideouts that could give survivors the upper hand in a zombie apocalypse.