A new charity shop is set to open in Corbridge.

Tynedale Hospice at Home will open the shop in January 2025 at 8 Market Place.

The shop will be called Fawcett & Russell after the charity's founders, Ish and Edith.

It will sell a range of high-end new and pre-used items, including homeware, clothing, and accessories, with a focus on unique pieces.

Retail operations manager, David Parkinson, said: "The shop will be a go-to destination for that one-off item, products you just don't see in most other shops, at great prices, and all in support of a great local charity."

The charity offers at-home care and support for adults with palliative needs or those undergoing treatment for life-limiting conditions, as well as pre and post-bereavement support for people of all ages.

Alice Langley, chief executive officer, said: "The launch of our new shop is an exciting development for our retail team.

"It is an important way for us to raise the necessary income to fund our services which include hospice care in the home, patient transport, complementary therapy and bereavement support.

"We are looking forward to building on our existing relationships in Corbridge and through having a stronger presence in the village, hope to be able to provide more support to local people."