A Christmas fair raised more than £1,000 for a youth charity.

The Corbridge Youth Initiative (CYI) held its annual Christmas Fair in Corbridge Parish Hall where young people, staff, trustees and supporters ran stalls including Christmas gifts, cakes, books, toys, tombolas and a raffle.

The fair raised £1,302 for the Corbridge Youth Initiative and the Corbridge Community Partnership sold locally-produced charity apple juice and cider.

Stallholders at the fairStallholders at the fair (Image: Bill Cunningham) The event, which was held on Saturday, November 30, benefitted by being held during the Christmas Tree Festival at St. Andrew’s Church and was well supported by locals and visitors from outside of the village.

Chris Nevis, trustee of CYI and the event organiser, said: "This has been a brilliant effort from the young people, staff and volunteers. My thanks to everyone.

Stalls sold toys andStalls sold toys and Christmas gifts (Image: Bill Cunningham) "All the excess books and toys were either donated to Oxfam or Tynedale Hospice or went into the bric-a-brac at the tip; so success all around." 

Sean Soulsby, chair of trustees, said: “Our young people have been involved in all aspects of this event and have worked hard to make it successful. I am absolutely delighted with the outcome.

"The charity and all involved continue to recover after the pressures of the pandemic and are now delivering a full range of groups and activities from our base in Corbridge.

"CYI provides vital support to young people and through them their families. My thanks to all who support our work.”