INDEPENDENT county councillor for Hexham West, Derek Kennedy, has announced his plans to stand again for his current seat in the May election.

Derek has represented the town as a councillor for 14 years, nine of those as a county councillor.

"I am still very enthusiastic in helping Hexham," he said.

"I use my 14 years of council experience to listen to residents and local business people.

"Residents know of my hard work and reliability in getting the job done.

"My main focus is on protecting the green belt from the threat of 600 dwellings in the west end, getting the right developments for the town including supporting Hexham House as it becomes a wedding venue.

"I am also pushing for bringing more council staff to the town so the council is closer to the people and ensuring Hexham Hospital serves the public properly.

"Urgent overnight care needs reinstating. Sending our people to Cramlington is unacceptable.

"I also want to see the car parking situation improved with more free spaces and investment in our high school."