WE shared the news that a new speed sign has been placed as part of a campaign for safer streets.

The sign has been placed on Woodside Terrace in Hexham East as part of the town council's pledge for safer streets, titled Twenty's Plenty.

Here's what readers thought of the new sign.

Alisha Coleman said: "Excellent. Can we get one in the west end? I cross the west road with my children every morning and afternoon and not only is it very busy, but a lot of people are speeding, especially concerning larger vehicles like buses and wagons."

Ashley Harris said: "Brilliant putting near the park and convenience store but I feel terrified for children crossing the road nearer Laurel Road and Anick View."

Rachel Forbes said: "As a Woodside resident with three young kids this was much needed. Thank you."

Andrew David Robson said it was 'brilliant news' while other readers were concerned about the residents who lived further up the road from Woodside Terrace.

Amanda Cave said: "What about the rest of the residents that live further along the road? Why can’t we have a speed sign, better, more noticeable signage and road markings to get the traffic to slow down. You would think it would be a priority after three new housing builds over 10 years."

Cllr Suzanne Fairless-Aitken, one of those involved in implementing the new sign on Woodside, responded to say the council is trying to improve safety in these areas.